How does your team give back?

On Tuesday, December 17th, the players from our 15U and 17U teams spent an evening getting to know the children from our area's HI-5 organization. Together they performed volleyball warm-ups, practiced agility drills, and played a friendly game together. You could tell these children love volleyball, and they lit up as they played. The XTreme teams...

On Saturday, February 2nd team XTreme spent the morning assisting the staff at the Good Samaritan Food Bank in Thibodaux, La. The players learned about the importance of volunteerism. "Volunteering is a rewarding and meaningful way to help our community grow and thrive," said Coach Kui. "Our team is passionate about giving of themselves to the...

In an effort to give back to the community, team XTreme held a clothes and supply drive to support The Haven's efforts to provide needed supplies for victims of domestic violence.

XTreme Volleyball 
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